REACH: Software, Consulting and Services for Ensuring REACH Compliance

REACH is the European Regulation No. 1907/2006 for the registration, evaluation, authorization and restriction of chemical substances with the aim of controlling hazardous chemicals more effectively in order to protect both people and the environment (in force since June 1, 2007). Contrary to popular opinion, REACH does not only affect manufacturers of chemicals. Every company that imports chemical substances and/or uses them in its production processes (Downstream User) is affected by this regulation.

Obligations of Downstream Users (DU)

  • Obligation to communicate about substances of very high concern (SVHC) in the products

  • Monitoring of up-to-dateness and use in the material safety data sheet


  • Biannual updating of the SVHC candidate list

  • New requirements for safety information sheets

  • Potential supplier and product defaults due to lack of approval (REACH Annex 14 Substances)

  • Lack of usage approval for the hazardous substance in the safety information sheet

tec4U Helps You Implement REACH With

  • Knowledge: Process consulting (development, implementation and monitoring of the REACH process), risk and impact analyses and training courses

  • Software: Software for material compliance communication & assessment DataCross

  • Resources: Operative implementation of the specifications in supplier and customer communication through to assuming the role of an external “REACH Coordinator”



Candidate List of Substances of Very High Concern:

This website is a service of tec4U-Solutions GmbH.

tec4U-Solutions GmbH