REACH-Software for material compliance communication & assessment: DataCross
Data Cross is a cloud-based application that communicates material data, information about the regulated substances and material safety data sheets in the supply chain.
DataCross ensures your products conformity with laws like REACH by mapping your material requirements from the development via procurement and production through to the use and processing of your products and holistically assessing your material compliance risks.
The REACH software is based on technical system features such as sensitive correspondence with the suppliers. This ensures that the addressed suppliers join in with the communication and provide the required information. A REACH supplier evaluation is carried out using a company-specific questionnaire. The system-based evaluation of the submitted material declarations allows you to identify hazardous parts in the context of a REACH product assessment.

REACH Software – Hazardous Substances Register: GeMaSy
GeMaSy is a web-based hazardous substances register including material safety data sheet management and optional hazardous substance management (production of operating instructions and hazard assessments).
The hazardous material register is fully integrated into MDS.web. Alternatively, there is also the possibility of using the hazardous materials register as an independent hazardous substance register.
You can find further information about GeMaSy at:

Other Material Data Systems
We also offer our software data service for other material data systems. If necessary, the tec4U service can be integrated into the corporate processes of the customer and fully complies with the requirements of 21 CFR Part 11 of the FDA.
We are cooperation partners in the environment of the CDX system ( from HP, and we support users of the system with their data research and data input, as well as with training courses. Further information about CDX is available at